Simulations 23-37

By: Tanner Morris

   This portion of the reading couldn’t of came at a better time for the fact that I just came across a very interesting documentary called “ Out of Shadows”. The documentary serves the purpose of highlighting the ways the general public is controlled and manipulated through the media were fed by departments of the CIA. Baudrillard’s statements on page 25 on Disneyland and how, “ it’s presented as imaginary in order to make us believe that the rest is real, when in fact all of los Angeles and the America surrounding it are no longer real...”, go hand in hand with the tactics exposed in the documentary that Hollywood uses for movies. They include a lot of nods to real conspiracies in dramatized movies especially comedies to increase the notion that the idea is not to be taken seriously. And once we turn that movie off, just as we leave a theme park we return to the “real world”. I’ve always been very critical of information I received through media like the news but these sources have showed me that I, we all, should be critical of every type of media we digest.

Here’s the link to the documentary if y’all are interested.
It has 10 mil views in just one week but is being hidden by YouTube.


  1. It's interesting seeing kind of an example proving Baudrillard's argument


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