Two Types of Music

   What I take as Barthes general thesis is his first statement that there are two music's: the music one listens to and the music one plays. Going off Beethoven's success and superior ability to create music from the soul that could stand without the aspect of audibility he comes to the assumption that composers are the only ones capable of creating music that is truly sensual. "It is a music you or I can play, alone or among friends, with no other audience than its participants" (Barthes 149). This statement is one I find it hard to agree with for the fact that this sensual aspect of music is what gathers an audience to a concert. What is the difference between a few friends singing the same notes of a composed song and a crowd of thousands? I would say the experience in fact becomes more sensual with a audience that is connected to the energy being created from the totality of the experience.

    I would say that my project aims to accomplish a similar motif in the manner of creating a sensual experience that connects the audience with the heart and backstory of a human story. This can only be accomplished through the communication of sight, sound, and language which of course serves as my biggest focus in the process of shooting and planning of this project. How do I compose the particular emotion that I want through the cinematic qualities of the shots, to the transitions, to the storyline, to the audio? I believe the best way to do just that is try to let it flow as naturally as possible, as Beethoven was known for. Be the audience to Princes story and communicate to the best of how I interpret and feel throughout it.

    Currently I have started gathering some shots and gone over around 20 questions I formulated to give a general guide to the storytelling process. I plan to have the intro section fully shot by the end of this week. So far I have also tested out some of the equipment I was able to borrow from the film department to get more comfortable. I created a short video of a throwing session at the Banta bowl that helped me learn some tips and tricks with filming and with the editing process. 

Link to TikTok:


  1. I really liked watching the videos you are creating! You are being very experimental in your editing and it is WORKING.


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